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Words you will hear during training

Arigato [gozaimashta]  -  Thank you
Bunkai ("boon-kai')  -  Real world application of kata
Dojo  -  Place of training for martial arts

Dojo Kun - List of behavioral rules expected and disallowed
Genbaku Kai -  Our style of karate
Gi  -  Karate uniform
Hajime  -  Begin

Hikite - Pulling Hand (Increasing effectiveness and power)

Karateka - One who studies karate
Kata  -  Series of techniques fighting an imaginary opponent
Kihon  -  Basics
Kiyotsuke  -  Stand at attention

Kumite  -  Sparring
Mawate  -  Turn
Mokuso ("mohk-sou")  -  Meditation
Ni  -  to or toward, also the number two
Obi  -  Belt
Onegaishimasu  -  Do me this favor (polite)
Otagai  -  Ourselves/each other
Rei  -  Bow
Seiza  -  Formal sitting position in a dojo
Senpai  -  Senior student (assistant instructor)
Sensei  -  Instructor/Teacher
Shihan  -  Instructor of Instructors

Shito Ryu - The style of karate taught at this dojo
Shomen  -  Front of the dojo
Yame  -  Stop
Yoi  -  Ready



Ayumi Dachi  -  Walking stance

Hachiji Dachi -  Open leg stance

Han Zenkutsu Dachi  -  Half forward stance

Han Kokutsu Dachi  -  Half back stance

Heisoku Dachi  -  Feet together

Kokutsu Dachi  -  Back stance

Kosa Dachi  -  Crossed leg stance

Musubi Dachi  -  Heels together, toes 45 degrees apart

Naihanchi Dachi  -  Horseback/Straddle stance

Neko Ashi Dachi Dai  -  Long Cat Foot

Neko Ashi Dachi Sho  -  Short Cat Foot

Ohkutsu Dachi  -  Forward stance, facing sideways

Sanchin Dachi  -  Knees and toes in, hips tilted up

Shiko Dachi  -  Side stance, toes out

Sochin Dachi  -  Diagonal stance

Zenkutsu dachi  -  Forward stance



Chudan Zuki  -  Middle Punch

Empi Uchi  -  Elbow Strike

Gedan Zuki  -  Groin Punch

Gyaku Shuto Uchi  -  Reverse Chop

Gyaku Zuki  -  Opposite side Punch

Hai Sho  -  Strike with back of open hand

Heiko Zuki  -  Double Punch, Palms Down

Hiji Ate  -  Elbow Strike

Hira Ken  -  Four Knuckle Strike

Ippon Ken  -  One Knuckle Strike

Ippon Nukite  -  One Finger Spear Hand

Jodan Zuki  -  Face Punch

Jyun Zuki  -  Same side Punch

Kage Zuki  -  Hook Punch

Ken Tsui  -  Hammer Strike

Ko Ken  -  Wrist Strike

Mawashi Shuto Uchi  -  Spinning Reverse Chop

Morote Zuki  -  U-Punch, hands high and low

Ni Hon Nukite  -  Two Finger Spear Hand

Nukite  -  Open Hand Poke

Oi Zuki  -  Lunge Punch (same leg, hand)

San Bon Zuki  -  Three Punches (1 face, 2 stomach)

Seiken Choku Zuki  -  Straight Punch

Shiko  -  Side Punch

Shuto Uchi  -  Knife hand strike

Teisho  -  Palm Strike

Tettsui  -  Hammerfist

Ura ken  -  Backfist

Yon Hon Nukite  -  Four Finger Spear Hand



Age Uke  -  Up Block

Chudan Soto Uke  -  Outward Middle Block

Chudan Uchi Uke-Inward Middle Block

Gedan Barai  -  Down Block

Harai Uke  -  Down Block

Hiji Uke  -  Elbow Block

Jo dan Uke-High Block

Juji Uke  -  Open Hand Block

Kakete  -  Circular Grabbing Motion

Ko Uke  -  Arch Block

Kotegaishi  -  Hook w/Wrist, Palm Up

Kuri Uke  -  Fan Block

Kurotora Uke  -  Inside & Down Block Combination

Mawashi Uke  -  Round Block

Morote Uke  -  Double Hand Block

Nagashi Uke  -  Palm (Parry) Block

Sasae Uke  -  Support Wrist or Elbow of Inside Block

Shuto Uke  -  Knife (Open) Hand Block

Ude Uke  -  Forearm block

Yoko Uchi Uke  -  Outside Block

Yoko Uke  -  Inside Block



Funi Komi  -  Stomping Kick

Hiza Geri  -  Knee Kick

Keagi  -  Snap Kick

Kekomi  -  Thrust Kick

Mae Geri  -  Front Kick

Mae Geri Kekomi  -  Front Thrust Kick

Mae Tobi Geri(Nidan Geri)  -  Flying Front Snap Kick(Double Front Snap Kick)

Mawashi Geri  -  Round Kick

Mikazuki Geri/Uki  -  Crescent Kick/Block

Nami Ashi  -  Inside Snap Kick

Sokuto Geri  -  Side Thrust Kick to Front

Ushiro Geri  -  Back Kick

Yoko Geri  -  Side Kick

Yoko Geri Keagi  -  Side Snap Kick

Yoko Geri Kekomi  -  Side Thrust Kick

Yoko Tobi Geri  -  Flying Side Thrust Kick


Instructors use Japanese numbers to count steps

                                    1   -   Ichi                  
                                    2   -   Ni                     
                                    3   -   San                 
                                    4   -   Shi or Yon                 
                                    5   -   Go                   
                                    6   -   Roku               
                                    7   -   Shichi              
                                    8   -   Hachi              
                                    9   -   Ku or Kyu
                                  10   -   Ju

Classes are held

Monday & Friday via Zoom

6 pm - 7 pm 



Sandbridge Community Chapel

Starting July 31, 2024

5 pm - 6 pm



Chesapeake Bay Academy

9 am - 11am




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©2017 by Genbu-Kai of Virginia.

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